September 30 & October 1, 2015 Word It Activity 14 Formatting

Do Now

  1. Which of the 8 leadership theories do you think is the most effective?  Why?
  2. Which of the 10 leadership characteristics do you feel is your strongest? Why?
  3. Which of the 10 leadership characteristics do you feel you need to develop?  Why?

Objective: Students will learn how to create a  document, format text and insert shapes and word art using Google Docs. Students will learn how to use Google Docs Addons. Students will practice what they have learned by completing activities in the Word It! text book.

Assignment:Word It! Activity 5,  20 Questions; Word It! Activity 14, Shapes p. 27.  These are due at the end of the period. Link your documents to your Google Docs Journal.  Be sure to change the permission so that “Anyone with the link can view” your file.

Quiz next class on 8 Leadership Theories and 10 Leadership Characteristics.  This will be a closed note quiz.  You will have two attempts to complete it.  Your highest score will be recorded.

September 28 & 29, 2015 Leadership Theories

Do Now: Working in your Leadership Theory teams, complete the presentation of the theory your team was assigned.  We will begin presentations in 20 minutes.

Objective:   Working in teams, students will orally present one of the 8 Leadership Theories to the class.  Students will take write notes on the Leadership Theory Note Catcher and identify similarities and differences between all 8 theories.

Class Work:  Complete your team presentation of the Leadership Theory and present it to the class.  Use this Leadership Theory Note Catcher to capture key information on Leadership Theories.

Homework:  Reflect on the 8 Leadership Theories and identify which theory you most agree with.  Reflect on the 10 Leadership Characteristics and identify which one you feel is your strongest and which is your weakest.



September 24 & 25, 2015 Leadership Characteristics

Do Now:

  • Walk around the room and review the Leadership Characteristic posters from the last class.
  • Use the Leadership Characteristics Worksheet to review and summarize information about each poster.

Objective:  Students will explore 8 Leadership Theories that have been used to explain where Leadership skills originate.  Students will listen and write notes on each theory and orally discuss their impressions of each theory.  In teams, students will prepare a presentation to the class describing and justifying the aspects of Leadership Theory that they agree and disagree with.

8 Leadership Theories

  1. The Great Man
  2. Trait
  3. Behavioral
  4. Participative
  5. Situational
  6. Contingency
  7. Transactional
  8. Transformational

Click here for the Leadership Theories briefing presentation.

Click here to go to Changing Minds for more information on Leadership Theories

Click her to go to The 8 Major Leadership Theories for more information.

In your team, compare and contrast the theory assigned to your team with the other Leadership Theories and prepare a short presentation to the class to share your observations.  In your presentation share with the class if you agree with the theory you are presenting and the reasons for your team’s opinion.

Homework:  Finalize your Leadership Theory presentation and be prepared to present it at the next class.

September 22 & 23, 2015 Leadership Characteristics

Do Now: In your Google Docs Journal answer the following questions:

  1. Who do you identify as a leader in your life?
  2. Name three (3) leadership qualities or characteristics that you believe are important for a leader to possess.

Objective: Students will write their definition of leadership and list leadership qualities.  Students will work in teams to describe one leadership characteristic on a poster that they will orally present to the class.

How many of these Leaders can you identify in your Google Docs journal?

Assignment:  Read about the characteristic assigned to your team and create a poster that describes how leaders use it to lead others.  Each team will present their poster to explain the leadership characteristic to the class.  Students will take notes on each teams’ presentation.

September 18 & 21, 2015 SMART Goals

Do Now: Log on to Quizstar and take a quiz over the Homework Reading.  You will have two attempts to take this quiz.  Review your incorrect answers following the first attempt and try again.

  • Your User ID is:  jfk[student#]
  • Your Password is your 8 digit birthday

Objective:  Students will use what they have learned about SMART goals to write two SMART goals (one short term and one long term) using Go For the Goal reading, 7 habits reading,  the Goal Setting Plan of Action worksheet and help from a partner by the end of the period.


  • Specific- Goals should be specific so that you and anyone who you share the goal with will know what it is.
  • Measurable – Goals should be measured so that you can assess if it was achieved.
  • Action Oriented – Goals should describe what it is you will do.
  • Realistic – Goals must be able to be achieved with the time and resources available.
  • Time Bounded – Goals should have a start, middle and end.

Complete at least 3 goals on the Goal Setting Plan of Action

  • At least one of your goals should be short term (less than one year to complete)
  • At least one of your goals should be long term (more than one year to complete)

Share your goals with a partner to get feedback on if it is SMART.  Based on your partner’s feedback, make any changes that you think would be appropriate.  When you are happy with your goals, link your Goal Setting Plan of Action in your Google Docs Journal.

Homework:  Read Lead the Way LAP EI-016 and Answer the Total Recall Questions on page 4 & 8 in your Google Docs journal.

September 16 & 17, 2015 Time Management

Do Now: In your Google Docs journal define:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Distraction
  3. Interruption

List three things that you can do to avoid or prevent these from consuming your time.  We will use this list later in class. (5 minutes)

Objective:  Students will read About Time LAP PD-001 and discuss what they read in groups.  Students will write their answers to the Total Recall questions on pages 3, 6, and 8 in a Google Docs document and link it to their Google Docs Journal.

Classwork:  Log on to the LAP page, enter the password and read LAP PD-001.  There will be a short quiz over the reading at the end of class.

  1. Read page 2 and the first paragraph on page 3.  Be prepared to summarize what you read with a partner and the class. (7 minutes)
  2. Discuss with a partner what you read in 1. above. (3 minutes)
  3. Share one idea from your discussion in your Google Docs Journal
  4. Read the rest of page 3. Be prepared to summarize what you read with a partner. (7 minutes)
  5. Discuss with a partner what you read in 4 above. (3 minutes)
  6. Share one idea from your discussion in your Google Docs Journal (5 minutes)
  7. In your Google Docs Journal answer the three questions on page 3. (5 minutes)
  8. Read and discuss with a partner the section of page 4 that your team is assigned Be prepared to summarize what you read with the class. (7 minutes)
  9. Summarize for the class (8 minutes)
  10. With a partner complete the Time Management Principles worksheet.  Link your completed worksheet in your Google Docs Journal. (10 minutes)
  11. Read The role of Organization on page 5. (5 minutes)
  12. Discuss with a partner what you read in 11. above. (3 minutes)
  13. Read and discuss page 5 and 6 with your partner. Answer the Total Recall questions at the bottom of page 6 in your Google Docs Journal
  14. Go back and look at your DoNow., Revise your answers based on what you have read today.
  15. Share with your partner your answers to the Do Now. (3 minutes)

Homework:  Finish reading pages 6-8 in the LAP and answer the Total Recall questions on pages 3, 6 and 8 in your Google Docs journal

September 14 & 15, 2015 6 Trait Summary

Do Now: Respond to the following in your Google Docs Journal.

  1. Why do you think writing an effective (good) email would be an important skill to employers?
  2. What are three characteristics of an effective (good) e-mail?

Objective: Students will learn to write an effective Summary using the  6 Trait Writing a Response outline to write an effective response.

Classwork: Research Using Google Docs create a file and respond to the following:

“There is an old saying that Time Is Money.” Is it wrong to use company time at work for personal texting or surfing the internet? Why or why not?”   Follow the 6-Trait model for a response.

Your employer believes that effective electronic communication is essential to the success of the company. Working collaboratively with up to two other partners, research what makes a “good” or “effective” email. Prepare a collaborative Google Slide presentation  noting at least five (5) suggestions for effective (good) emails.

Homework: Read  About Time LAP PD-001

Suggestion Box: Do you have a question, suggestion or comment concerning our class? Please feel free to use the Suggestion Box.

September 14 & 15, 2015 Effective e-mail

Do Now: Respond to the following in your Google Docs Journal.

  1. What is your favorite way of communicating with your friends?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of communication?
  2. What are three ways that people communicate in business?  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each communication method you identify.
  3. Why do you think writing an effective (good) email would be an important skill to employers?
  4. What are three characteristics of an effective (good) e-mail?

Objective:  Students will explore how to write effective e-mail messages by reading articles and watching videos in the internet.  Students will verbally discuss and write a reflection on what they learn.  Students will write an effective e-mail message to the instructor outlining the key points to include in a training class on effective e-mail writing.

Watch the following video on writing effective e-mail.

Classwork: Using online research and Google Docs respond to the following using the 6 Trait Writing a Response outline:

  1. “There is an old saying that Time Is Money.” Is it wrong to use company time at work for personal texting or surfing the internet? Why or why not?”   Follow the 6-Trait model for a response.
  2. Your employer believes that effective electronic communication is essential to the success of the company. Working collaboratively with up to two other partners, research what makes a “good” or “effective” email. Prepare a collaborative Google Slide presentation  noting at least five (5) suggestions for effective (good) emails.

Homework: Read  About Time LAP PD-001 and answer the questions on pages 3, 6 and 8 in your Google Docs Journal.

Suggestion Box: Do you have a question, suggestion or comment concerning our class? Please feel free to use the Suggestion Box.

September 8, 2015 Period 5 only What is Your Passion?

Do Now: Respond in your Google Docs Journal

Review your passion paragraph to answer these questions:

  1. Were you able to determine your passion.
  2. If so, what is it?
  3. If not, describe the steps you can take to discover it.

Objective:  Students will share their passion paragraph with a partner and describe what their passion is.  If they have not yet discovered their passion, they will describe the steps they are willing to take to discover it.  Students will use Google Slides to create a Life Map.

Assignment:  Using Google Slides and the following directions, create a Life Map and link the file to your Google Docs Journal.

A Life Map helps you discover what you want for yourself and your life. Follow the steps below to create your own Life Map.

Step One:

Open this Life Map Worksheet and make a copy.  Complete the Significant Life Events and How I Want to be sections.  Click here for a sample Significant Life Events.

Step Two:

Search the internet for images, words and phrases that represent your life events and How you want to be.  Coppy the images, words and phrases and paste them into a Google Slide file. (One per slide).  You can use this Google Slide Template or make your own.

Step Three:
For each How I Want to be image, word, or phrase that you choose, identify three things you can do in the next year to help make them a reality.  Insert the three things into a text box next to the image, word or phrase.

Step Four:

Using the images, words and phrases, create a Life Map similar to the samples in the worksheet on a separate slide in your Google Slides file.  Review your Life Map and answer the following questions on a separate slide (use more than one of needed):

  • What have I learned about myself from looking at my Life Map?
  • Do I see any patterns?
  • Does anything on my Life Map surprise me?
  • If I knew that all of the images and this Life Map would come in to my life, would I be OK with that?
  • Who do I need to become in order to fulfill the intentions on my Life Map?
  • Based on my Life Map, what quality will I commit to developing this year?

Step Five:

Link your Life Map to your Google Docs Journal.

September 3, 2014 How to Make a PB&J

Do Now:  Respond in your Google Docs journal.

  1. Do you think it is easier to follow written or oral directions? Why?
  2. Do you think it is easier to give written or oral directions? Why?
  3. Which do you like better getting or giving directions?  Why?

Objective:  Students will observe the results obtained when written directions are followed and reflect on how well the directions were followed, written and the results obtained.  Students will be introduced to the 6 trait writing model and use it to write a summary of an article.

Lets make a PB&J Sandwich


In your Google Docs Journal

  1. Reflect on how well the directions were followed.
  2. Reflect on how well the directions were written.
  3. Reflect on the outcome.  Did it meet your expectations? Why or Why not?

What is your Passion?


  1. Open and read the article Writing Your Own Success Story .
  2. Open a Google Doc and write one paragraph summary of the article. Link your summary to your Journal.
  3. You will actively listen to the presentation on Writing a Summary
  4. Using what you learned, write a revision to your summary on a new page of your Google Doc.

Homework:  Write a one paragraph description of your Passion.  If you don’t know what it is, describe what you might do to find your passion in the near future.  Link your paragraph to your Google Portfolio.

September 1 & 2, 2015 Following Directions

Do Now: Click here to join Kahoot                                                             .

Objective: Students will explain in writing why it is important to follow directions, discuss orally sources that provide directions, distinguish between oral and written directions, describe procedures for following directions, and demonstrate procedures for following directions.

In your journal answer the following questions using complete sentences:

  1. Why is it important to follow directions?
  2. List some things that could happen when you don’t follow directions
  3. Why do you think that following directions is an important skill for business?

Click here for the Simon Says… PowerPoint

Click here to join Kahoot                                                               .

Following directions Activity: How to make a peanut butter sandwich.

  1. Each team will create a shared Google Doc that you will all link into your portfolio.
  2. Working together, create a set of written instructions for making a PB&J sandwich.
  3. Your instructions will be part of a gallery walk next class to determine the most complete and accurate instructions.
  4. The chosen instructions will be followed to make a PB&J so be specific and clear.