December 9, 2016 Final Exam Preparation

The final exam will be given on December 15.   We will be meeting in room 219 to use the computers in the lab to take the final exam.

It will be a 100 question on-line test developed for High School of Business.  It is the same test that all Principle of Business students at all High School of Business schools.  You will be eligible for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place national honors based on your score and the scores of all of the other students.  The test will be graded on the curve. (The highest score in each class will determine the maximum number of points available.)

It will cover all of the material we have studied this semester.

  1. Review the Qizstar tests and quizzes

  2. Review your notes

  3. Review your Total Recall answers.

Log on to to review for the Final.

December 9, 2016 Final Exam Preparation

The final exam will be given on December 15 for blue day classes and December 16 for green day classes.  We will be meeting in room 219 to use the computers in the lab to take the final exam.

It will be a 100 question on-line test developed for High School of Business.  It is the same test that all Principle of Business students at all High School of Business schools.  You will be eligible for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place national honors based on your score and the scores of all of the other students.  The test will be graded on the curve. (The highest score in each class will determine the maximum number of points available.)

It will cover all of the material we have studied this semester.

  1. Review the Qizstar tests and quizzes

  2. Review your notes

  3. Review your Total Recall answers.

Log on to to review for the Final.

December 5 & 6, 2016 Needs & Wants

Do Now:

  1. In your Google Docs journal describe a time when you have  given up something to receive a “reward” in return.
  2. How would you define profit?
  3. How do you define risk?

Objective:    Students will work in their Snapshot teams to write a group contract and plan to complete the project.  Students will learn about business profit and the relationship to risk and reward by reading, writing and discussing LAP EC-002

Your teams will start a new project that will require information about the community around John F. Kennedy High School.  Decide among your team who will research each part of the Community Profile Worksheet Bring your data to the next class.


Read Risk Reward LAP EC-002 on the Principles of Business LAP page.  Answer the Total Recall questions on page 6 and page 8.

Quiz next class over Economic Goods and Services.